Today, I'm changing the title of this blog from "Edina Tech Integration," to "Edina Digital Age Learning." This shift reflects a philosophical evolution that the work that I do, isn't as much about integrating technology as it is about learning in a digital age. (In fact, my colleague Molly Schroeder and I are looking to change our titles to "Digital Age Learning Specialist," to reflect this shift.) For the last few weeks, I've been developing and tweaking the framework below. The framework defines some philosophies around digital age learning combining work from Ruben Puentedura's work on SAMR, Susan Oxnevad's SAMR Ladder, and Carl Hooker's SAMR pool. Carl's thoughts more closely resemble my own regarding digital age learning, in that I don't believe that every lesson lends itself to redefinition. It's not a ladder to climb, as much as it is a pool to swim in!
Click on the icons below to see what it might look like for students in the 3 areas of Content, Collaboration, and Creation.
My hope as we move forward is that as we move forward with the many initiatives transforming our district, that we move to a place where staff are comfortable getting wet, and more of our staff create authentic learning opportunities that move us more frequently to the deep end, without anyone drowning! I'll keep a life jacket handy just in case!