Gabe Zicherman , the author of the Gamification Blog and books like Gameification by Design was a last minute fill in for Keynote speaker, Jane McGonigal, who was ill and unable to attend TIES 2011. Zicherman got the audience hooked, with pics of Atari and Oregon trail (Jane has Dysentary!) In 1987, Carmen San Diego was the most important game. "Civilization took up about 8,000 hours of my life in grad school!" A game that teaches something without intending to. The dominant narative today is divided into "Games/Screens are Evil vs. Games can Fix the World!" Is it possible both are right? Who NEEDS the help games can provide? NYT article on kids being too hyper . Zicherman argues that maybe it's the adults! Doesn't teach kids to be patient and wait, de-habituated to how the real world works! "Do our kids have ADD or are our schools too slow?" Students do a lot of reading still, but the modality is different! Multitasking to the Max ...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.