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Showing posts from December, 2017

#TIES!7 Using 3D Design Thinking to Impact Learning and Innovation

Susan Nelson,  Coordinator of 3D Design Thinking, Innovation and Personalized Learning for  Spring Lake Park Schools presented on Design Thinking and their 3D model of design. Design Mindsets Tap Into Your Creative Confidence Learn from failure Embrace Ambiguity Be urgently Optimistic Iterate, Iterate, Iterate Why Human Centered Design?  Education full of challenges and opportunities Focus has been on tweaking the system that is fundamentally the same We can't solve our problems using the same kind of thinking we used to create them! -Einstein Human Centered-We are designing for real people Creativity-harness the potential She shared this video to illustrate the importance of design thinking for Fortunate and her mother! Nelsen then shared the background behind making the Embrace warmer and how students at the Stanford dSchool developed the product. Incubators were expensive Children were dying from low birth weight. The Stanford t...

#TIES17 Ken Shelton: Designing A Culturally Relevant & Responsive Pedagogy

Ken Shelton followed up his Monday Keynote with a session on Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy. Shelton noted that there are many instances where students are funneled to different classes based on gender and skin color/ethnicity. In his experience, he was the only person of color in the AP and upper level classes when he was in high school. This is his story. What are the stories of the students coming in to our schools? Game of Phones- (Nice tech infused Community Building activity) Introduce self Last picture taken-That's appropriate! Context Group Chooses top photo The talk had 3 main parts: Culture Learning Technology Much of this talk is based on the work of Pedro Nogieri. The addition that Shelton makes to this work is technology, as he believes that today it is not culturally relevant not to include it! In school, he wanted to be in the front, but was always told to go in back. If instruction is only happening in front, that is a...

#TIES17 Keynote: Jennie Magiera- Our Untold Stories

Jennie Magiera , Chief Program Officer for EdtechTeam was the Tuesday Keynote at the 2017 TIES Conference.  She began by crowd-sourcing the best recipes for Tater-Tot-HotDish.  Telling a story touches your emotions and touches your identity, giving a part of yourself to the audience. Teachers do this every day. She told the story of a little girl from Seoul, South Korea . Her father immigrated to New York, but she was unable to go right away. When she looked at the streets, being told they were paved in gold, she was disappointed. The next day, she learned she would be going to City Hall to get a new "American" name. The name, suggested by a neighbor was "Carol!"  The clerk asked for the spelling, and her mom didn't know. The mom, with Korean pronunciation said, "Kello."  Her first teacher asked her name and how she got it, and she said, Well it was kind of a mistake. Her peers bullied her because of this.  In 4th grade, her teacher asked her...

#TIES17 Monday Keynote: Ken Shelton-The Power of Voice in the Digital Age

The TIES 2017 Conference kicked off with Ken Shelton , an educator, educational consultant, new media designer. The theme of this year's conference is "What Is Your Story?" Shelton spoke about the importance of "story," which is the representation of our voice. Technology gives us the opportunity to amplify our voice, both positively and negatively. He had us share our prediction of what our story would be 3 days from now. While many see tech as making us less social, Shelton sees it amplifying our connections and stories, in ways that are exponential. The 2017 Internet minute looks like this: The world online is becoming more connected, with more platforms that can amplify our voice, just like this ad... However... With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility! -Voltaire (Stan Lee) We can use tech and this power to establish a digital footprint.  If you think about the power of our voice, then it gets retweeted, shared, reposted...but...