Earlier this year, I blogged about The Alice Project, an amazing authentic learning opportunity developed by Texas Educator, Christian Long. Long has developed a new student project, based on TED talks, titled The TEDx Project. This new project, which kicks off April 5, has his students individually analyze 1 TED Talk per week (Students sign up, so ultimately all 600+ TED talks will be analyzed!), publicly defend one of the talks, and create a 5-10 minute talk of their own on something they are passionate about using the theme, “What Matters (to You)?” The students will present their talks "in Ignite or Pecha Kucha style — 20 slides of 15 to 20 seconds each." They will then upload their videos to Youtube and embed them on his blog. Long states, "students will prepare with a ‘global’ audience in mind from day one. "
He is looking for teachers to help judge his students work, and is also inviting Middle and High School teachers to submit their own student's videos. Feel free to contact him if you are interested in these opportunities!