Today several staff members from Edina attended a workshop at the Zurah Shrine Center , with Jabari Mahiri , on Teaching Diverse and Digital Youth. Topics included: The Culture and Discipline of Achievement Several clips were shown to demonstrate how teachers can successfully engage cultural differences to increase student achievement. Teachers need: Disciplinary knowledge, Cultural Knowledge and perspectives, Technological Knowledge and Skills, which funnels in to our Pedagogical Knowledge and Practices. He said that our traditional sense of what Disciplinary knowledge is, is changing as we explore transformative digital tools. Dewey was right! In 1938 he talked about using the experiences of our students, which Mahiri noted is changing in our diverse society. There is a cultural foundation of "being an American" that is the foundation we must start from... He showed images of advertisements with people of color on the periphery of the image, which indicates marginalization...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.