David and Jonah Stillman were the "Father-Son" keynote on Day 2 of the Minnesota Personalized Learning Summit. David is a generational expert, and co-author of " When Generations Colide. " They have teamed on a new book called, " Gen Z @ Work ." They have developed a company GenZ Guru , designed to interact with those born between 1995 and 2012. They are concerned that educators are not focused on "GenZ" and assume that they are Millennials. This is similar to when society treated GenX'ers like Baby Boomers. David shared a story of when he and his son were supposed to go to a meeting, and Jonah showed up via Skype, when David thought he would be there in person. Using the Genz.guru tool, they polled the audience. 51% thought David was right. In order to get to know GenZ we need to look at key influences: Parenting- GenZ kids have a tight relationship with their parents, but they were raised differently than Millennials. Millennia...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.