Last Saturday, I had a chance to participate in " #SATCHAT ," a weekly education chat on Twitter that takes place at 7:30 am EST. This week's conversation, titled, "The Missing Voices in EdTech," on diversity in Educational Technology, was moderated by Rafranz Davis , a Math and Technology educator from Texas and author of the book by the same name . During the course of the questions and answers came an exchange regarding a simulation game called " Mission-US- Mission 2: Flight to Freedom ." Produced by New York Public Television with support for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, this simulation is intended to give students the experience of being a slave in the 1800's. When Davis posted the link, I followed to see what she was talking about. At first glance, given who the creators were, and the blessing of the National Endowment for the Humanities , I was confused as to why it would be considered an "atrocity." Our dis...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.