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Showing posts from May, 2014

Government Service Learning Project Continues to Grow!

A few highlights from this year's South View Middle School Service Learning Project. This year's event moved from the Media Center to the Gym, and over 200 people came to attend and learn from the students.  In this video by Claude Sigmund, Cool Planet Founder, Paul Thompson shares his experience working with the students. And in this video, Susana Valdez of the National Youth Leadership Council shares her thoughts on what she observed today: This event continues to grow, and I was impressed by how students incorporated digital age learning to collaborate and share their learning with the world. Later today, I'll add links to some of the student Websites.

MultiTasking...Take the Test!

I'm putting together some resources for our eLearning2 students this summer. One of the topics we will be covering is managing distractions. I found this resource on multi-tasking at and thought it might get students thinking about how they currently work, and help them to consider focusing on one task at a time. In some respects, I found I was above average (single tasks) but man did I struggle with more than one! Here are my results: Created by Take it for yourself and let me know how you did! It might help students take multi-tasking more seriously! Note: You may need to use the arrow keys to scroll down on the site!

Minnesota Google Summit Keynote: Mark Garrison on Technology and Adventure

White Bear Lake Technology Director, Mark Garrison  gave the opening keynote at the Minnesota Google Summit . Here are my live blog notes from the session.  He talked about growing up in Minnesota idolizing Will Steger and Paul Schirke. His goal: Embrace change and be a beacon for life=long learning! Interesting times with some hanging on to 20th century pedagogy with others moving forward in the 21st. There is a professional acheivement gap today between these two practices. IWB's went into teacher's classrooms, but the training was around using the product instead of changing pedagogy. Great change requires vision, skills incentives , recources and an action plan to acheive lasting change. Filling the gap between these two pedagogical realities requires a bridge of these NOSTR model, via the strategic plan of the district, building and classroom. All of us are responsible for improving and honing our skills.  Elliot, Minnesota is "all carrot and no stick....