Today, I was listening to NPR , when the announcer mentioned that coming up on Science Friday , there would be a discussion with author, Matthew Lieberman regarding his new book, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect . I was intrigued, as: It is Connected Educator Month and it sounded like it would provide scientific research behind the importance of connecting. Provide support to those who believe " learning is social. " Provide support for Connectivist MOOC experiences , like Open Online Experience (OOE13) , which I have been participating in. Provide good background for my TIES session in December ! So I sent out this tweet: I enjoyed the segment and took some notes that will be useful. Then the following happened: It's not every day that you hear a segment about a book that you are interested in, and a half hour later you're having a dialog with the author. That is the POWER of being connected! I am definitely inte...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.