Mizuko "Mimi" Ito , cultural anthropologist and Research Director of the Digital Media and Learning Hub , was the Tuesday Keynote at the 2013 TIES Conference . There is a lot of talk today about social media and video games distracting and socially isolating children, but Ito is optimistic. There is a readiness and openness to cross the barriers between what students are doing with technology inside school and outside school. Her son's school started a MineCraft elective, through a student petition. The students not only got their interest sponsored, but learned shared governance and engagement. It also allowed Ito to peer in to the world of students today. How can young people make the most of today's abundance of information and social connection? How do WE develop stronger connections between in-school and out of school learning? This isn't new! It's similar to Dewey's vision of merging education and life. If mobilized in particular ways, ...
Ideas and Tips on Digital Age Learning from Michael Walker. These thoughts and ideas may not represent the views of my employer.