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Showing posts from August, 2012

Tinkering Towards Fluency:Digital Literacy For All

As part of the Edina Staff Kick-off, Candace Doerr-Stevens, a facilitator in the Minnesota Writing Project , and doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota , spoke to staff about Tinkering Towards Fluency: Digital Literacy for All. The talk was timely, as this year, staff will begin implementing new language arts standards into science, social studies as well as language arts curriculum. She has been looking at how technology can be used to tell stories.  She began with a story of a boy who loved to write, and wrote an 8 page story. He loves to create, but doesn't love to read as much. She asked us to think about... Tinkering -to play or fiddle with things Taking risks and trying things is an important thing to be able to do, and creating space for ourselves and our students to take risks is very important.  Technology can give us tools to tinker and create and explore students. What is something remarkable that happened to you in 1995? (For me, it was get...

Be Remarkable!

Today to close out our Action Team Leadership training, our Superintendent, Ric Dressen shared this video. Given that today is Leadership Day , I thought it appropriate to share. Even though it's a commercial, I hope to take the message with me as I begin this new school year! Be Remarkable!!